Deep Foundation Systems

Unique among local and national remedial foundation contractors, Structural Systems represents and is certified to install both the Atlas® and Chance™ lines of pre-engineered foundation systems. Atlas® Systems has over a quarter century, and Chance® over a century of product research and development in new and remedial foundation systems. With their combined 130+ years of experience, they are the world leaders and the most trusted brands in pre-engineered pre-manufactured foundation systems. The Atlas® and Chance™ pre-engineered systems are compliant with BOCA, UBC, IBC, et cetera.

Helical piles that can be installed with mobile and portable equipment were invented and refined by Chance®. These piles are torqued (screwed) into the hard/bedrock substrate and through the upper layers of soft soils. Atlas® resistance piers are installed by hydraulically driving the pile sections down and into the bearing material. Once the piling type is selected, the locations are carefully laid out and the field crews install the appropriate deep foundation system. A pre- engineered pre-manufactured pier bracket is mounted to the top of each “pile” and permanently transfers the load of the structure to the new foundation system. Using hydraulic rams, the residence is carefully raised in a coordinated lift. Where permitted by the existing construction, our crews relevel the structure, or bring it to an approximately level condition. We frequently refer to this process as “un-ringing a bell!”

Sinking foundations, cracked and buckled walls and uneven floors are problems commonly faced annually by some quarter-million homeowners. Additionally, industrial and commercial structures situated on unstable soils settle when their foundations are subjected to extreme moisture conditions or lack proper drainage. Differential settlement can damage both residences and business structures with a corresponding loss of your investment.

Structural Systems Chance Bracket Install
Structural Systems Foundation Bracket Install

Our crews have underpinned and releveled residential, industrial and commercial structures using these systems. We have installed these underpinning systems not only to stop settlement, where existing as-built conditions permit we can relevel and restore settled structures to a level or near-level condition.

It is especially noteworthy that, over our quarter century of experience, we have underpinned, stabilized, and releveled hundreds of structures without a single warranty claim.